For the last several months, Mom has kept her suitcase and a small overnight bag packed and ready to go. She keeps a close watch on the driveway and door, expecting her ride to appear at any minute. The ride/driver is apparently a "cousin" of her mother's (which means he would be at least 110 years old). I don't know if he was a real person or not. I had never heard of him before she developed AD.
Of course, he never comes. In my effort to "go along" with all her notions, I've been just watching and seeing what she does. A week or so ago, she was again waiting and pacing back and forth in her impatience for him to arrive. After a few checks at the door (which we have now alarmed) I went to see what was up.
When I asked what was going on, she said she was waiting for her ride.
I "ummmm-ed" a bit, then I finally said that I didn't really expect him.
She bristled. "Why not? she demanded.
"Well...I've been thinking about this," I replied. "It seems that he's not very dependable about coming. One day, he told you 10 times; another even more, then Monday, it was a half-dozen, yesterday 9, and now this is the 14th time today. If he really meant to come, wouldn't he be here by now? He must be having a tough time getting here, at his age."
She actually thought about this for a while. Then, I almost fell over when she agreed.
She picked up her suitcase and went back to her room. The suitcase and overnight bag are still packed, in her room. But, she is not hanging out at the door at all hours of the day and night.
Going along may actually work.
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