First thing this morning, Mom appeared at my bedroom door with a request that I take her somewhere. Where? She did not know. But she HAD to go. Someone had passed away, a lady, and she had to go to comfort her boys. What is the lady's name? Doesn't know, can't remember. What are the boy's names? Doesn't know, can't remember. Last week, it was one of the boys who passed away and she needed to go see the lady. Apparently, reports of his death were incorrect.
How did she find out? Her TV (the portal). She says that since I can't take her to somewhere she can't help me find, she will contact the boys (through the portal, naturally) and have them pick her up. They have a big truck. I said okay, but when they came I wanted to meet with them to find out where she would be, and maybe I could give them a sympathy card for the loss of their mom.
It will never happen, of course. But I am slowly learning to "go along" with her hallucinations. Last week, I argued, and it did not go well. Everything I read about AD says "don't argue about anything" unless it is dangerous for her or others, so I am biting my tongue (IFI still have one?!!!!) and going along.
I suspect the entire thing is because I have a good friend whose husband passed away on New Year's day. When I told my DH, she was in the room and said that she felt very sad. That probably sparked the first hallucination -- of the boy's passing. Yesterday, we went to the funeral, and now it is all once again fresh in her mind.
When she left my room, I pointed out that she had not yet had her breakfast and that she certainly couldn't go off with an empty stomach. So she is eating now, and will probably forget the whole thing soon. I hope so.
Now, to just hope that a truckload of 50-year-old boys don't appear in my driveway...........
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